Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Braelyn's 1 year Biopsy & catheter exam

Yesterday Braelyn had a bronchoscopy followed by her 1 year biopsy & cardiac catheter exam. We learned that her left vocal cords are paralyzed which is causing the loud breathing, congested sound & faint voice. The biopsy took about 2 hours for them to get access to her heart but we should get the results back wed or thur. From the cath exam we learned that there is a narrowing in the vein in her neck & will need another angioplasty or stint put in. They decided to keep her last night since the procedure took so long & she lost quite a bit of blood during it. Last night she ran a fever of 104.3 & it finally broke this morning, they are worried she might have caught an infection so they are keeping her 1 more night & started her on antibiotics as a pre cautionary. Hopefully we will be going home tomorow & are eager for the biopsy results.

Well, we ended up staying til Friday due to the infection but the results are in.....

1 comment:

Rachel@AllergenFreePlease said...

We will be praying that everything goes well.